Dino’s Journal 📖

A peek into the mind of a sleep deprived software developer, husband, dad and gamer.

Looks like it's been over a month since I wrote a music log entry. And since it's Friday, here's a new one. Today's music log will once again feature piano/cello covers by The Piano Guys. I love listening to their covers. They're always great re-arrangements of popular hits. They make them sound like their own. And they make them sound beautiful. I credit them for my recent appreciation of classical musical instruments, like the piano and cello. That or I'm just getting old. Probably a bit of both. 😄

Anyway, first one for today is a cover of “Just The Way You Are”, originally by Bruno Mars. I love that they simply didn't follow along with the original melody and tune. Instead, they took inspiration from the original song and re-arranged it to where it sounds like at times, an original piece. Beautiful cover of the original.


The narrative that science and Christianity are enemies is false. Not only are they not enemies but Christianity helped science develop beyond the limits imposed on it by ancient cosmologies.

I know, right? The title seems absurd, even for me as a Christian. But, keep an open mind and listen to Dr. Stacy Trasancos make her case. In this free sample lesson from Word on Fire, she discusses ancient culture and the history of science. Culminating in how it all led to the modern science that we have today.

Link: WOF 240: Science was Born of Christianity

While Catholic teaching maintains that God operates within the universe, it does not go all the way to saying that God is the universe. Rather, we say that God created the universe and holds everything in existence. The universe is not God, it is God's creation — God's handiwork. This nuance puts science in its place, as the study of the handiwork of God.

That is the first time I've heard someone say, that science is the study of the handiwork of God. If you think about it though, it makes sense. If God really does exist, then science is definitely the study of His work. From this perspective, science is not in conflict with belief in God. It is not in conflict with faith.

This post is Day 22 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit https://100daystooffload.com to get more info, or to get involved.

Tags: #Bookmarks #WordOnFire #Theology #100DaysToOffload

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Perhaps lesser known is the fact that Ignatius also developed a method of discernment or decision-making that is still relevant today and that can be applied by people of all faiths and adapted to those who are not religious.

A great read on a decision-making process developed by a 16th-century saint. Belief in the divine is not a requirement to make use of this decision-making process. Credit for that goes to the author, who makes an effort to make this process applicable to everyone.

He also urged people to make decisions for the “greater glory of God.” How can non-religious people use this advice? I argue they can consider how their decisions will affect the vulnerable, the poorest and the most marginalized.

That is a wonderful way to translate the phrase “for the greater glory of God” and make it applicable for people who do not believe in God.

In today’s hurried world, a 16th-century Catholic mystics’ advice may seem quaint or his process tedious. However, many modern psychological approaches confirm the value of such reflective practices.

A good reminder to look into the past for solutions to problems that we might still have today.

Link: What a 16th-Century Mystic Can Teach Us About Making Good Decisions

This post is Day 20 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit https://100daystooffload.com to get more info, or to get involved.

Tags: #Bookmarks #DecisionMaking #100DaysToOffload

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When I say notebooks, I don't mean those lightweight laptops that the tech industry calls notebook. I mean real paper notebooks. These paper notebooks are distraction free.

Field Notes Pocket Notebook and Fisher Bullet Space Pen

If you've been following this online journal, you probably already know that I keep a Bullet Journal. I mean I only ever mention it every other post or so. I also have a Work Journal. I also have a number of Field Notes notebooks lying around. I use these Field Notes notebooks in a variety of ways. One is a Food Journal. Another is Baby Caleb's milk, temperature, wet/dirty diaper, health tracker. Another is a backup satellite Bullet Journal. Another is a catch-all notebook for whatever needs to be written down.


Great read on why being right is not enough to convince people to get on your side. You have to show kindness too. In this post, Ryan breaks down what makes online debates and discussions so toxic nowadays. And how we can hopefully fix it.

Link: It’s Not Enough to Be Right—You Also Have to Be Kind

As we’ve become more polarized and more algorithmically sorted, we care a lot less about the people who think differently than us and put little effort into persuading them. That’s because persuasion is no longer the goal—it’s signaling. And with signaling, it’s vehemence that matters, not quality. The constraints of social media also reduce the space for any nuance or qualification you might be inclined to offer; 140 characters or even 240 does not leave much room for humility or kindness. And the desire for viral sharing heightens the need for aggressive, simplistic arguments.

Another reason why you should share your thoughts on your blog, instead of on social media. Use social media to point to your blog, instead of making social media your blog.


Last week I received an email from a reader who recommended this site. Read This Twice is in the same vein as the Good Books website. Both websites serve up book recommendations based on books that influential people have read. I'm always up for finding more sources of books to read. This one is a good one to bookmark too. I will also say that compared to the Good Books website, this site loads a lot faster on my devices. Not sure why that is, but that is just an observation.

Note that both websites make use of Amazon affiliate links. I'm in no way affiliated with any of these two websites or their owners. I'm just sharing because they have good content.

Link: Read This Twice

Tags: #Bookmarks #BookRecommendations

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One thing I learned this week, is that it is hard to climb up three flights of stairs with a face mask on. By the time I got to my cubicle, I had shortness of breath... Anyway, it's Friday. Last day of the week that I have to work at the office. Then I'll be working from home again for the next two weeks. So I'm gonna celebrate with another music log entry.

First song for today is “Last Day Under the Sun” by Volbeat. Volbeat is that really good Danish rock band that I never knew about. Well, not until I heard them in one of the Top 50 Rock Songs countdown from years past. Volbeat has a very unique sound similar to bands from the late 90s and early 2000s. You'll know the song playing is a Volbeat song, because it sounds like a Volbeat song.

Anyway, this track is a pretty good one. Not too heavy on metal or rock. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. It sounds more like mainstream rock, or maybe it's just plain old rock and roll. Beautiful ending to the music video too.


Cal in his post, shares a wonderful essay about a professional sport climber who ditched social media and improved her career. Both posts, from Cal and Madison are really good reads. Be sure to check out the comments too, especially on Cal's post.

Links: On Social Media and Character – Cal Newport Why Ditching Instagram Earned me the Podium – Madison Fischer

It was then that Madison’s athletic career moved to the next level. “There’s nobody I’m here to perform for,” she writes. “I just train and silently work on achieving my own definition of success.”

That quote above made me reconsider keeping my blog “public”. By that I mean having my posts show up on the read.write.as feed. I sometimes feel that I'm performing for someone when my posts show up on the read.write.as feed. Like I'm in a competition, trying to keep up with everyone else.


Some striking words from a homily months ago:

You are poor before the sight of God. All you have to offer is yourself. – Deacon Pete

No matter how wealthy I am, or how big my house is, or how expensive my car is, or how fancy my clothes are — when death comes knocking, I am poor before the sight of God. All I have to offer at that point, is myself.

A good reminder to not get caught up in the consumerism lifestyle prevalent in the world today.

This post is Day 8 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit https://100daystooffload.com to get more info, or to get involved.

Tags: #Spirituality #Reflection #100DaysToOffload

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The content for this post has been moved to my dev blog.

This post is Day 7 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit https://100daystooffload.com to get more info, or to get involved.

Tags: #Blogging #HowTo #100DaysToOffload #WriteAs

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