Dino’s Journal 📖


It's been over a month since my last music log. What with the digital declutter and all. Anyway, it's time for another one. I've got two hard hitting head-bang inducing rock songs in this music log. Both tracks deliver great messages to their listeners. Let's get started.

First up is the song “Justified” by one of my favorite bands, A Day To Remember. This song is a great reminder for all of us to stop being judgemental of other people. Especially those with a different set of beliefs than ours. If your set of beliefs or religion has you looking down at other people who believe differently, then there's something wrong there.

Just as an example, Jesus said, “Love your neighbors as yourself.” Note that He didn't say to love them only if they believe what you believe. He said to love them as you love yourself.

Anyway, I don't want to sound like I'm preaching in this music log. Here are some of the song's lyrics. This is a great rock song from start to finish.

Burn me alive If you feel that's justified I need more than faith To see you on the other side, the other side

Can you hear me? The lowly one Do ya fear me? You righteous ones

Song links:


It's a rather gloomy Friday. But I welcome the cooler temperatures, if only to get away from the Texas summer heat. Time for another music log then. Today's music log features rock covers of some popular hits.

Note that I'm trying something new in this music log. In addition to the embedded YouTube videos, I also added song links. This gives readers more options to listen or even purchase a song. They are not affiliate links. I do not get paid whatsoever if you decide to click on one of those links. I just thought of adding them to support the artists.

First up is “Mirrors” by Our Last Night. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the band Our Last Night makes some of the best rock covers I've heard. This is no exception. This a great rock cover of Justin Timberlake's hit song “Mirrors”.

Song links:


First song for today is “I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?” Yes the title is a handful. It is based off a line from the movie Night At The Museumand that just made me miss Robin Williams. Anyway, this song was my intro to the band A Day To Remember. I first heard it on Pandora and really liked it. Soon enough I had bought their album off iTunes. This is a great rock song from start to finish. Easily my favorite of all ADTR tracks. The bonus here is that their music video is funny too.


It's been awhile since I wrote a music log entry. I had a number of excuses ready to type up, but I'll skip those. Let's just get one up shall we?

The first song for today is a rather unpopular song by My Chemical Romance. Unpopular in the sense that, I don't think it is one of their hits. I just happened to come across it as a song recommendation. Whether it was from Pandora or Spotify, I don't remember anymore. But the important bit, is that this song rocks! So here is “Ambulance” by My Chemical Romance.


After a very hectic week where I had to work overtime to finish my task, yes just one task for a single 2-week sprint, I'm so glad that it's Friday and that we're on a new, hopefully, much less stressful sprint. I'll celebrate by writing a music log entry for one of my favorite rock bands, Finch.

It all started with this track, “What It Is to Burn?” This song was my first introduction to “Screamo” back in the early 2000s. I've heard of other emo, post-hardcore bands back then, but no one combined screaming with beautiful melodies like the band Finch did. When I first heard the song, I was amazed that a band could make a song sound so good even when it featured some all-out screaming vocals. It sounded insane and blissful at the same time.

Finch was one of those bands that got me through a tough time in college. Their music was basically the soundtrack of my life then and it served to form the basis of my musical tastes going forward. While I'm still very much into pop-rock and pop-punk, I would never be listening to post-hardcore and metalcore bands nowadays if it wasn't for Finch.