The Sacraments Episode 1 | Bishop Barron
A really good introduction to the sacraments of the Catholic Church. It also covers the first sacrament, the sacrament of Baptism. Questions like: What are the sacraments? Why are they the most important thing in the world? What is the fundamental sacrament? What happens when people get baptized? How is grace tied in to the sacraments? And more questions are answered in this episode.
One of the most enlightening parts of this first episode for me, was when Bishop Barron talked about the duties of a baptized Christian. As a baptized Christian, we are priest, prophet and king. What does it mean to be a priest? How do we live out our prophetic duties in today's world? And what are our kingly duties in modern society? All those are covered in this episode.
Here is a trailer to the first episode.
And if you're still interested, here is the link to the first episode that you can watch for free: The Sacraments – Lesson One: Introduction and Baptism
Tags: #Spirituality #Theology #BishopBarron #WordOnFire #Bookmarks