Dirty Dave’s Poweruser Tips | David Blue
Have had this open on a tab on my browser for awhile now. I finally got to it. Good list of apps, tools, utilities and even tips for Windows users. There's also some information on alternatives if you're on MacOS.
Link: Dirty Dave’s Poweruser Tips
Somehow, I did not discover Alt-D until 2018, which means that I had spent the entirety of my 24 years since triple-clicking to select every single URL I’d ever copied. I built a media company this way, and I can’t believe nobody told me about this shortcut. Open any given web browser, use Alt-D, and your selection will move to the URL in the address bar on top of the page. It’s very possible this will be of little use to you, but anyone who regularly shares or copies links will save themselves so much time.
What?!?! I didn't know you could do that...