New Dev Blog on

At the start of this year, I decided to stop writing to my dev blog and instead start publishing software development posts on this journal.

I loved the ease of publishing new software development content to this journal using But I didn't really like how it all turned out. Specifically, I thought it was jarring to be reading a post on SQL Server, then hit the homepage to find posts on video games and God. It felt awkward to me.

So, I decided to once again start publishing software development posts to a dedicated software development blog. This time around, instead of going back to a static site generator, I spun up a new dev blog on I'm hoping that the ease of publishing new content outweighs the drawbacks of having yet another website to maintain. We'll see how it goes.

The new dev blog is still very much under construction. But I wanted to get this notice out there in case some people are wondering where the other software development posts have gone.

Anyway, that was all I wanted to say regarding the new dev blog. Now for a slight update on how I've been doing after I've traded blogging for family time.

I'm honestly enjoying not needing to post so often to this journal. I have a lot more free time at night and I've been using it to play Minecraft Dungeons with my son. It's a great video game for father and son bonding time. We recently just defeated the Arch-Illager and the Heart of Ender. And we've just started on the Jungle Awakens DLC. I might write some Game Logs post for it, if I have some spare time. We'll see.

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks for reading.

Tags: #SiteUpdates #Blogging #SoftwareDevelopment

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