The human skills we need in an unpredictable world | Margaret Heffernan

Excellent TED talk on how our growing reliance on technology could be making us ill equipped to handle an unpredictable future.

Source: The human skills we need in an unpredictable world

A key takeaway for me is this:

The more we depend on technology to make decisions for us, the less we actually decide for ourselves. On the surface level this seems good; the less decisions you have to make, the more mental bandwidth you have later on to decide on something else.

The problem is that technology cannot measure everything in the world around us. It cannot measure people's reaction to certain things, it cannot measure feelings or emotions, it cannot measure a person's mood, etc... And so technology cannot reliably predict everything that's going on around you, nor can it reliably predict what's going to happen in the future. Hence, the decisions it makes is based on its own expected reality, not yours.

Tags: #Bookmarks #DecisionMaking

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