Dino’s Journal 📖


Finished watching Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates. Interesting insight into what makes Bill Gates tick. I've already mentioned in a previous journal entry that one of the things I've learned is that he reads a lot. To expand on that, he reads 4-5 books on the same topic to get a good understanding of it. An example shown in the documentary, was his collection of books on “Climate Change”.

While he was working at Microsoft, he worked hard. Probably worked harder than anyone else in the company. That was one of the factors that helped Microsoft stay at the top as one of the best software companies in the world. It probably would have sucked to work for Microsoft during their formative years. I say this because of how much they valued “hard work”. When I say hard work, I mean the kind of work where you come into the office early and leave late. Sometimes not leaving at all until you finish what you are working on. The kind of hard work where work-life balance tilts heavily in favor of work. The not fun type of hard work. My impression was that Bill expected this kind of work ethic from everyone who worked in the company.