Dino’s Journal 📖


This was originally posted on dinobansigan.com, which years ago was my dev blog.

I love listening to music in my car using the Spotify (or occasionally Pandora ) app on my iPhone 6S. Unfortunately, most of the time, my iPhone will start playing music from the Apple Music app as soon as it establishes a Bluetooth connection with my car. Sometimes it will auto-play music using the Spotify app if I was using it prior, but most of the time it defaults to Apple Music. So I would have to manually open Spotify to switch to the music I want to listen to.

For some reason I've simply put up with this for years now... Well not anymore. I eventually got tired of having to manually open the Spotify app, so last week I spent time trying to come up with a solution.

One of the good suggestions I saw online was to turn off music streaming via your phone's data (LTE). This made sense to me. No music streaming access, would mean no auto-playing of music. I also barely had any music stored locally on my phone, so it should work.